Saturday, November 16, 2013

Classroom Emergency Kits

Earlier this week, I received an email from the principal of my children's elementary school about emergency preparedness kits that the school district is trying to assemble. Their goal is to have a kit in each classroom in case of natural disasters or school lock downs.

I hate the idea of my kids being away from me during one of these instances, but I love that they will now have some things that will help them to be safe.

The items that they asked for help in collecting:

• 15 foot length of nylon cord
• A tarp approximately 6 foot by 8 foot
• Toilet paper or baby wipes
• A flashlight with batteries
• A case of bottled water
• Some food items (hard candy, granola bars, or other single serving non-perishable food item)
• A bottle of hand sanitizer
• Small role of duct tape
• Some feminine hygiene products (for the female students in the older grades).

As a family, we made our way to the store to purchase some items. Right now I only have two children in school, but that means two classrooms so I wanted to do what I could to help.

For under $25 we purchased everything for ONE classroom kit (minus feminine products). The most expensive thing we bought was the nylon rope which was about $7, but it was 50 feet so they will be able to cut that down and use it for 3 kits.

This might not be a simple task for the people organizing the collection of these items, but it wasn't hard for me to spend a little time and a little money to help the teachers and kids in our area be more prepared.

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