Sunday, August 4, 2013


For those of you who have paid attention to this blog, you know that I have been a slacker.

Correction: I had a baby. Now I have 5 kids under 8 years of age. I am not a slacker, I am busy.

I thought I was prepared for a baby. I thought I had my meals organized and my house ready. I thought I had enough blog posts written ahead of time to get through the initial transition into a family of 7.

I was wrong. I wasn't prepared for this.

It's getting better, but I don't feel like I have a lot of time for "extra" stuff.

BUT, two of my kids will be in school soon and we will have our routine back. Although I am sad to not have all my kids with me all day, the school year gives me a chance to get some things done during the day that I can't do in the summer.

So give me a few weeks and I will be least for the maybe three people who even read this blog. Haha. At least it will help me get back on track with my own preparedness stuff.

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