Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Home organization

There are probably a million websites about tips for becoming organized and nearly as many products you could buy to "help" you in your search for organization. Personally, I have found that I need to do what works for me. This means that in some things I am pretty organized and other things I have to let go. It can be hard for some of us who are a little too controling...but let's help each other.

Here are some things that work for me:

1. Declutter. Get rid of the unnecessary.

You don't have to keep every drawing your child draws or every outfit they outgrow. On the other hand, I do not believe in being wasteful. If you have some good quality items that you haven't used for 6 months or longer, give it to your local charity or women's shelter.

I like to organize one room or closet at a time, usually every other week so I don't get overwhelmed.

Another item that can cause clutter is magazines! Tear out what you want and get rid of the rest.

2. Establish a routine. Daily, weekly, monthly, etc.

3. Use a filing system. Even if it's a box somewhere, you need so place to file important papers. Check out my post on the Emergency Binder.

4. Get your family involved. This may include job charts, or just asking for help when you need it.

5. Use technology- for budgeting, paying bills, communicating, etc.

6. Meal plan. Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. Whatever you can do will help your sanity. I promise!

Remember, one thing at a time. You can do it!

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