Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Home organization: Getting family involved!

I don't know about you, but housework is NOT my favorite thing. I do it, because I don't like to have a messy house, but there are many other things I'd rather be doing than cleaning toilets and folding laundry.

The bigger our family gets, the more necessary it is for the rest of the family to chip in and do their part. It's good for my sanity and for my kids to learn responsiblilty.

Even if you don't have kids at home, share the responsibilities at home with those who live with you.

This takes some effort, especially at first, but don't get discourage. Give your kids (and your spouse) something to do. There are many different ways to do this.

There are about a million different job charts to choose from, even online job charts. We've tried several but what works best for us is a simple list.

Each of my kids has a list with their name and their daily jobs on the fridge. They each have 5-10 things based on their age and ability. My biggest boys can usually get through the jobs without even looking at the list.

We have some arguments about this still, but I just tell them that they are part of this family and they need to help. I think that it is SO important to teach our children about responsibility. This is a simple way to start while they are young. Older children need responsibilities too! They need to be expected to work.

Just last week, one of my favorite blogs, Prepared LDS Family, had a post on Summer Chore Lists. I was so glad to read it! I feel like so many parents are not taking charge and teaching their children hard work. When I was a teenager, I heard adults talking about this and was sometimes a little offended. Now I realize that they were mostly right. So many kids, and adults for that matter, think that others should do the hard work and they should benefit from it. Ranting. Sorry.

Bottom line: I want my kids to not only help out with keep our home looking decent, but I want them to learn the satisfaction of a "job well done."

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