Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Be Smart

When you think of the word education what comes to mind?

Do you think of your kids, politics, or taxes?

Do you get butterflies in your stomach thinking of how you wish you would have finished your degree?

I think sometimes the word education has a negative connotation, but being educated doesn't always mean going to school and getting a diploma.

Having knowledge is a great step to being more self-reliant. The more you know the easier it is for you to take care of yourself! You always will be able to discern truth from error and being a contributing member of society.

Gordon B. Hinckley said: “We live in a world where knowledge is developing at an ever-accelerating rate. Drink deeply from this ever-springing well of wisdom and human experience.”

It's true. We have so many resources available to us. Years ago you would have had to go to a library or taken a formal class to learn a new skill. Or perhaps you'd be able to find someone to teach you. Now, with the Internet, you can search one subject and find thousands of sources. You can watch a video on how to cook fried chicken or how to install a toilet. There is basically nothing that you can't find online.

There are lots of ways we can obtain knowledge. Here are some examples:

*Read and study books, articles, and textbooks
*Learning to communicate with others
*Learning to public speak
*Learn a practical skill such as sewing, canning, gardening, home repair, etc.

And of course, we can't dismiss formal education. In this competitive work world, there is definitely an advantage to having a college degree.

So instead of feeling guilty or thinking of taxes, think of what you want to KNOW and go from there. Make a goal to gain more understanding in some area that will help you and your family become more self-reliant.

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